Ministry Desire and Goal
The gospel we proclaim is Biblically described as “the
preaching of Jesus Christ” and in 1 Timothy
1:11 it is called “the glorious gospel
of the blessed God,” the original language also
translatable as “the glad tidings of the glory of
the blessed God.” There is in the gospel the revelation
of the glory of God. We believe firmly that those whom God
redeems from sin and unto Himself through “Jesus
Christ and Him crucified” come to behold His glory
in the gospel. Yet the gospel is the record of a Man, His
miraculous virgin birth, His perfect life, teachings, miracles,
death, resurrection and ascension. He is a Man. But He is
God and Man in one person. So that in this Man the glory of
God is manifested, and as Paul the apostle taught in
2 Corinthians 4:6, there shines forth “the
light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of
Jesus Christ.” He is our ministry, our life, our Saviour
and our Lord. The preaching and expounding of the Word of
God is central in all of our services, and the desire to ever
increase in the knowledge of God in Christ our pursuit.
We also believe that the fruit of the new life in Christ is
nothing less than the measure of our conformity to Him (2
Corinthians 3:18). Therefore, we are convinced that
the truest way for the believer to glorify God is to reflect
the image of Christ in character, conduct and testimony to
the world. To this end we declare “the gospel of
the grace of God” by using the means of expository
Bible preaching. We do not endeavor to simply make people
feel good, offer religious entertainment or merely the opportunity
for social interaction. It is our fervent desire to give forth
the truth as it is to men as they are and trust God to use
His appointed means, as He is pleased. We are a close-knit
church family, but our fellowship with one another is based
solely upon our mutual union with Christ.
cordially invite you to visit us and experience our ministry
for yourself. You will find both our door and our hearts open
to you. And, we trust, you will also find that our purpose
is not to make a name for ourselves but to bring glory to
our enthroned Lord, for “God hath highly exalted
him, and given him a name which is above every name.”